Much can be said about what we recognise as very modern afflictions or diseases of civilization. These include a variety of chronic medical conditions including diabetes, obesity, sleep disorders, and depression.
Some could argue that mass consumption and stuffocation is a disease too, and both we and the environment are suffering its consequences.
However, today I won’t be discussing solutions to the plastic fever or recycling weakness of ours. I will instead share with you thoughts about my own modern affliction and dealing with its consequences.
For about thirteen years now I have been suffering from the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). A form of seasonal depression.
The causes are not yet fully understood but are linked to lowered melatonin and/or serotonin production, and to the changes in the body’s circadian rhythm. It’s different for everyone, but for me, it’s like having the ‘winter blues’, but for five months at a time, with occasional bouts of especially deep despair and hopelessness.
Since the diagnosis seven years ago I have taken medication and tried other forms of battling SAD, and I found that I respond best to a healthy routine which mimics the non-SAD months as close as possible. However, this year I have found myself in an unstable housing situation (I am not homeless guys, just looking for a place to buy and trying to save money!) and for a period of time living (in Poland) with my parents and working remotely. The effects of the lack of my usual routine are showing.
I have been spending a lot of time researching the appalling state of the recycling industry in the UK, and worldwide. Things are not looking great and, despite the efforts put in by all of us to sort our recycling, both government and industry are failing to deal with the volume of raw materials we produce. No doubt I will be writing a blog post about this soon, once I come to terms with my feelings of misery the information I found has evoked. However, rather than allow myself to become overwhelmed I am, for now, following the advice of my partner who, as ever, has taken the cool-headed approach, and brought my thinking down to Earth.
So, like me, rather than dissolve into a pool of despair, try to instead focus on adapting incremental changes, which are practicable and achievable. Even if that means doing just a single thing today which will contribute to your overall goal, whatever it is.
And on that note, I’m leaving you today with some good news to browse, and with a thought that Spring is definitely on its way, at least according to the bird singing outside my window.
I know how you feel with the diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder I’ve been suffering with bouts and long periods of depression for a long time now, Have tried lots of relaxtion techniques etc, but mostly taken medication. I finally realised that the worst time was during the winter months and was diagnosed with SAD three years ago. It certainly helps to know there is a specific problem and that it will be so much better when Spring is about to arrive. Now I try to do things to help brighten my winter days and take a holiday in a warmer part of the country during winter. However, medication is still needed most of the time.
Kind regards, and thank you for your most interesting and thought provoking posts.
Betty (Australia).
PS Thank you for the reference to the Good News Web page. It’s very encouraging and I will be reading regularly.