
Day 359

Some things seem to work better in my head than in real life.

For instance, our bills arrive in the post box via a nice young man in blue Bermuda shorts who drives a minivan.  However, we pay them online.  I know we could get them delivered via email, but this is my preferred system.  I’m afraid if we get them delivered electronically something will go haywire and I will somehow let our cable bill fall through the cracks.

And getting our cable shut off would be a bummer.

As a result of this obsolete system, I tend to collect stacks of correspondence which include a number of envelopes my creditors have enclosed for my “bill paying convenience”

It seemed a shame to let all of those perfectly good envelopes go to waste.

So, I got the brilliant idea to reuse them by crossing out the pre-printed addresses and writing in new ones.


I KNOW.  I am an Eco-warrior (here you should raise your arms above your head and start humming the theme to Rocky).

But then today, I opened a letter from my utilities company that strangely had my daughter’s registration and payment for camp included as well as the following letter.

photo(236)OK, the print is small, I will sum it up.  Somehow, even though I carefully masked out with sharpie all the printing and other identifying information, the recycled envelope got sent to the utilities company anyway with the registration for Whiskers and Wags camp in it.

They were not as impressed with my attempt at conservation.

Because, as their form letter admonished, “Springs utilities envelopes are for utility payments only.”