The Great Library Book Hunt of 2013


As if I needed any more motivation to get it together.

We got the notice from the school library that some books needed to be returned. This happens every year. Every. Year.

“Mom! If we don’t get those books back or pay the fine, I won’t be able to graduate 4th grade!”

We ransacked the house looking for those books. They weren’t where they should be. Actually, there is such an overabundance of stuff, a lot of things don’t have a dedicated home. And it drives me nuts.

The 4th grader found his books. The 2nd grader did not. Her solution? “It’s okay, just pay it out of my allowance.”

$20 means nothing to her. We’ve created a little monster who doesn’t understand the value of a dollar or how hard it takes to earn one. It’s disposable. She’ll just get another one.

Out of the mouths of babes, right?

And to make sure I didn’t get all self-righteous, when cleaning out my office I came across the Lowe’s Rebate Form for some paint we bought to use in one of the bathrooms. I submitted my rebate request online.

“That promotion ended 5/1.”

Translation: Congratulations, Disorganized Schmuck! You just lost $5! You’re the problem, too!


Today’s cost of our complete lack of organization: $25. And this isn’t an isolated event. It happens all the time. Lost rebates. Duplicate purchases because we can’t find things. Late fines.

There are so many issues here: too much stuff, disorganization, child and adult entitlement. It’s beyond time to get with the program. And show some respect to our money and the material goods that we have. We’re treating both like they are disposable. That ends now.