Furniture, Christmas Cards and a Nomination

So this happened:

These Dudes Rock

These Dudes Rock

The Family Place came and took away three bookcases, a night stand, a wooden writing desk and 40 glass plates. And it felt amazing. As they carted them away, I imagined them in a home where someone really needed them and would be grateful for them. And I felt good. And the sunroom was emptier.

I’m starting to see light at the end of this very long tunnel.

I offered three oriental rugs too, but since we have dogs they wouldn’t take them. Allergies or something of people who might take them. I was disappointed about the rugs, but super excited about the furniture.

I’m still working on finding a home for the rugs. They are beautiful and were outrageously expensive, but I’m kind of liking my bare wood floors. I suppose it’s possible I’ll change my mind as time goes on and want them back in the house. But I don’t think so.

Christmas Cards – Yeah, Not Happening

In this post, I said I was downsizing my Christmas card list and only sending them to close friends or family. Um, so yesterday I decided I just wasn’t going to send them at all. Because I hadn’t done anything to make them happen yet. So, I’m embracing the Year of No Christmas Card. Cross that off my to-do list. Wheeeeeeee!

Holy Cow – I Got Nominated For Favorite Simplicity Blog in 2013!

Over at Midway Simplicity The Simple Year got nominated for Favorite Simplicity Blog in 2013! I’m so incredibly gobsmacked. The other nominated blogs are the Big Dogs of Simplicity Blogs. They are the blogs that I started reading, the ones that resonated and lit this simplicity fire in me. I feel like I’m nobody in a sea of Meryl Streeps. And it rocks. So, please head over there and vote for The Simple Year. And check out the other amazing blogs, too.