The Simple Year 2: Spring Break Edition

We’re enjoying a staycation this year for spring break. We’ve taken advantage of some beautiful weather by visiting Klyde Warren Park, including lunch at the food trucks, two hours of endless indoor trampoline fun at JumpStreet (the kids jumped and rode a mechanical bull, Stephen read and I worked on my laptop) and Stephen has taken the kids on bike rides outside every day.

As a bonus, that got us out of the house long enough to have the bedrooms painted. This afternoon, the Girl, Stephen and I hit her bedroom for some decluttering and organizing.

A little sneak peak

A little sneak peak

We called in our friend Kristen (as in the “I don’t know, ask Kristen” Kristen) for reinforcements with paint selection and bedroom decoration. I tell her sort of what I want, she actually talks with the kids about what they sort of want, we all make sure it’s in the allotted budget, and then she tells us when we need to be out of the house.

It rocks. Our house is starting to feel like an honest to goodness home, as opposed to a five family storage unit. Plus, having a home that is reasonably put together has allowed us to open it to more friends to visit. It’s simple and beautiful, all at the same time.

Which brings me to what we are crazy enough to do tonight. One of my besties from college lives in New Jersey. Her brother manages a band that is playing at SXSW this weekend in Austin. They’re driving from Jersey and needed a place to crash. She sent out the call for help and, because our house isn’t an embarrassing, messed up disaster, we were able to say yes (with the caveat that they simply not rob us or trash the house). To letting 7 people crash here.

The Boy is spending the night at a friend’s house, which means the Girl will sleep on a cot in our room. The other bedrooms and a sofa will be occupied by a band. I find this slightly hilarious. (If you don’t hear from me by Friday, call 911.)

We’re going to have some epic before and afters of the bedrooms, and the whole house in general, in the next few months. And I’m really, really excited about that. I can’t wait to share them with you.

Until Friday, enjoy your Spring Break if your timing is the same as ours.