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I just finished rereading my very first post on The Simple Year, and it makes me laugh a little — the Trisha who wrote that wasn’t so sure zero waste was possible, but was just optimistic enough to give it a try. The Trisha of today (wait, should I be talking about myself in the third person? That seems kind of weird) is completely sure that true zero waste isn’t possible (well, right?), but is encouraged enough to keep on trying to get there (with the understanding that I won’t be able to get to true zero. I’m okay with that).
Here’s what I set out to do this year (and maybe I’m jumping the gun a little with this recap because I’ve still got a few weeks left):
I’ve been dabbling in zero waste for a couple of years, but I’ve been pretty lazy about it. Maybe not so much lazy as easily distracted and frustrated – in our neck of the woods, package-free items are sparse, and some of what is available has been vetoed by the family or is too expensive to really be an option.
But is it that my choices really are sparse, or is it that I’m not very observant? What is the definition of zero waste? What would happen if we buckled down and tried to live a true zero waste lifestyle?
So that’s what we’re going to find out: What is possible in a small town and with a family.
The first thing I learned is that our package-free choices really weren’t as sparse as I thought — I just had to look at the aisles differently. There is plenty of unpackaged (albeit sticker-ed) produce available at the store; farm stands, while open only seasonally here, have even more options (and no stickers). Our bulk aisle has a plethora of herbs and spices, a nice selection of dried fruits and nuts, some baking items, and all the dried beans you could ever want. The relish bar means I can get items like feta and olives package-free (small jars), and even the deli and meat counters offer alternatives to products wrapped in plastic (bigger jars). Getting up the nerve to ask to have my jar filled was uncomfortable at first — well, I don’t like to make a scene — but once that routine was established (and everyone but Mr. Plastic* was onboard), it wasn’t a big deal anymore.
The second thing I learned is that you have to be really, really organized when it comes to zero waste shopping — you can’t just run into a store and buy something. I’ve always carried reusable grocery bags in the trunk of the car, but now I had to think about jars and bags for bulk and produce. Sometimes that was really inconvenient. Sometimes it still is. There’s no time for getting frustrated or lazy — it’s a Mad-Eye Moody “Constant vigilance!” kind of ordeal. And I think having a line that you don’t cross — no jar, no item — makes the decision easier somehow.
And the third thing? It is possible to get your family mostly on board, although Eric is better about it than the girls. (Ahem, looking at you specifically, Abs.) Examples:
- Eric went to the store Thursday to get salad stuff (hey, it’s Lent, we’re all eating more salad) and was very pleased to show me the bunch of grapes he’d plucked out of a bag and put straight into his cart. He also bought a loose cucumber, head of cabbage, pepper and an onion.
- Abby went to the store Sunday afternoon with a friend because they wanted to make chocolate chip cookies for a teacher. She came back with a plastic pouch of brown sugar “because your brown sugar is weird.” (IT IS NOT!) She also bought two packages of chocolate chips. And not even the all-natural ones that I can eat. Um, not that I’m bitter about all the wrong things …
(If I can brag on my one true love for a moment, Eric is awesome about choosing unpackaged items at the store; he’s even gotten containers filled at the meat counter. And he keeps a nice collection of bags in his truck. That makes me so happy — he gets it!)
So it turns out that in my couple of years of struggling along on the zero waste front, it really was that I wasn’t being very observant — so no wonder I was easily distracted and frustrated. And “buckling down” turned out to be easier than I expected, although having to be accountable on a blog really helped on that front. 😉 Without any excuses to fall back on — totally impossible, too much work, nothing available — we had to just … do it.
Having a family makes it more of a challenge, but I feel like the hard part of this journey is past — expectations and routines have been established, and all we have to do now is just continue on this path. We’ve cut our garbage pickup to twice a month — it fits into one standard kitchen-type trash bag, which includes cat waste — and our recycling, which is also picked up twice a month, has gone down, too, a bonus I was not expecting.
It’s been a great experience. This is a good place to be.
*Mr. Plastic now ignores me completely when I walk up to the meat counter, which works out just fine for both of us. He simply refuses to not put items in plastic before decanting into my jars, but that’s fine because literally every other person back there is perfectly willing to do so.
Next up: My notion of zero waste is ever evolving …