An Assessment of Decluttering Approaches

There seems to be two schools of thought about decluttering and organizing, which could really be applied to a wide range of things:

Do a little bit every day


Do everything at once, even if it means not leaving your house for two days.

Overall, I feel I’ve been more successful taking small steps. Most recently I dug up and replanted my garden, and I completed nearly all the work in fifteen to thirty minute spurts. The same has been true for decluttering, especially when I’ve been sorting items to donate. Filling a box with a few unwanted things, or making a small pile of clothes, have made a difference because it’s been adding up and I see the difference.

But I realized over the weekend that the little-bit-daily approach wasn’t going to work in the attic. We didn’t have plans for Sunday and I thought about, and then discarded, the possibility of tackling it in favor of sloth. Then Emma asked that I go into the attic and get her doll bunk bed. Unfortunately, I donated it because she hadn’t played with it in months. She took the news well, but I still felt guilty even though it’s been way more than a year since I gave it away. So I offered her a shelf I had in the attic, which had once been a kitchen cabinet that I’d been able to salvage when we renovated. She accepted it and proceeded to turn it into a three-level bunk bed.

Attic Before 2

Attic, right side, before.

And so a task presented itself, and I accepted. Giving up the shelf left a lot of random junk. There had been several binders, which I’d already emptied of paper and recycled, and I donated lots of office supplies too. But there was lot of other stuff left over that defied categorization. Anything useful to someone else went into a donation box, the rest to the trash.

Since it was a small section, it didn’t take too long to sort out, and I decided to keep going. My husband is a patient, patient man because he didn’t complain, helped me lug out a few of the heavier items, and took Emma to the movies so I was alone in the house for much of the afternoon.

A Before Photo of the Attic 10.15

Attic, left side, before.

I worked from about 10 a.m. till 5:30 or so with one short break for lunch and one short break to run to the grocery store, and I didn’t finish. But I didn’t expect to. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about any kind of home project, whether it’s a fun DIY thing or something challenging like reorganizing a room, it always takes more time than budgeted.

Still cluttered, but much improved.

Right side. Still cluttered, but much improved.

At least one of those hours involved sorting through 3 large bags of Emma’s papers and art work. I recycled a lot. I would have recycled way more, but because she still loves art so much, I want her to be able to decide what she wants when she gets older.

An After Photo of the Attic 10.15

This is the left side, with the right side of this photo still in progress.

I filled one big bag with trash, another big one for recycling, and have four more boxes which will go out with tomorrow’s donation.

When I got home from work again today, I spent another hour or so in there. I won’t have any real lengthy block of time again until the weekend, but because I’m on a roll I’m going to try and do a little each day. So I’ve created a sort of hybrid approach for myself: invest a big block of time, get a lot accomplished, and finish in little spurts. The danger is that I’ll let it get away from me, but I feel really motivated to get it finished for good.