A Third of the Way

I realized today that we’re a third of the way through our Simple Year project. Which blows my mind. I feel like we’ve accomplished a lot, but not just in getting rid of stuff. I mean we still have an incredibly long way to go, but one of the most interesting parts of eliminating the stuff is that we’re also experiencing a change in our mindset.

We’re more conscious. More aware. When you strip away the clutter and excess, what is left is eye opening. Because it becomes very clear what you have been prioritizing. And what you have not.

We’re asking ourselves more questions these days. When faced with a decision to acquire something, we’re asking ourselves why. Why do I think I want it? Do I really need it? What is a necessity and what is a luxury? For real. Not based on what everyone we know has. But based on reality. Even if we can afford to buy whatever we see or give our kids everything they ask for, it doesn’t mean we should.

And we aren’t just simplifying our possessions. We’re simplifying our schedules. And our commitments. And our expectations. And it, quite honestly, is liberating. Our schedules aren’t as packed as they were before. And we like it that way. Because we have more time to spend with each other. And with our friends. And more time to just be.

Before The Simple Year, we were living without intention. And when you do that, life seems to get away from you. Now, as we shed the crazy, we also shed the burdens that go with it. And that feels good. And motivating.

It’s good to sit in the quiet sometimes. In a place that isn’t filled to the brim with distraction. And in that place, I’m reminded of how blessed I truly am.

Gratuitous Puppy and Boy Photo

Gratuitous Puppy and Boy Photo

15 Responses to A Third of the Way

  1. We’re spending the next 52 weeks on a full-scale frontal assault on our crap. … The big house, the luxury cars, the cable TV, clothes, schedules, commitments, frivolous expenditures and relying on other people to maintain our home are all up on the chopping block.”

    So which of those has actually been chopped?

    • Well, as evidenced by nearly every week’s posts, we’ve been purging our home of an abundance of stuff. I sold my Lexus, went all summer without a car, then got a very used Prius. We cancelled cable and I’ve resigned from quite a few volunteer and other activities (although I haven’t blogged about those yet). Stephen and I have reduced our wardrobes significantly (several posts about that, but it’s still ongoing). No more housekeeper. I’d say we’ve made pretty good progress so far.

      • I think you’re making very good progress, and living with intention is the biggest achievement. Very cute puppy too, hope he works out well for your family. Be sure to get him out and about to meet lots of people so he will be well socialized as an adult.

    • Timmy, tonight we talked about making the yard boy available to industry. My response, “it’s time for me to pull up my big girl panties and mow the yard.” I may not like it, but it must be done.

      Next on the list of layoffs is the pool boy. He’s a bit of an annoying cuss!

  2. Thanks for pausing to remind us all about why we are all on the decluttering journey. Remembering that it is all about making room for the right things helps to inspire you to keep going and give yourself credit for how far you have come. And that puppy face. So cute!

  3. Catherine, that is not a slant about which I had thought. We are making room for the “right things.” I looked at it as just getting rid of excess crap, but at some point might be willing to get rid of…say, two or three pairs of pants in exchange for one “right pair” of pants.

    Also, this 1/3 of a year has opened my eyes to my work office situation. I am a hoarder with a good size office crammed full of a fire Marshall’s worst nightmare. I baby stepped my way into this beast today and hope to make a stride or two soon.

  4. Thanks for sharing so much with us. I love reading about the progress your family is making. You are doing a fabulous job and most importantly you’re helping me find the energy and enthusiasm to simplify my life.
    I’m decluttering right along side you and your family!! Most importantly, I no longer want stuff I don’t really need. It’s actually hard work cleaning, sorting, donating, selling, recycling – it has cured me of buying stuff, especially if it’s just more clutter that I have to try to get rid of later on.

  5. It IS good to just sit in the quiet! Quiet is my favorite!

    The change in mindset is half the battle too, I think–once you are forced to go through all your crap, you can’t help but learn a couple of things.

    • Thanks, Helena. Yes, I’m fine. We had the Girl’s birthday celebration on Friday, then on Saturday I took a tumble and headed to the ER to make sure I didn’t break anything. (I didn’t. I just banged up my knee real bad.) By the time Sunday rolled around, I just needed rest and ice. 🙂

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