Bookcases and a Cool App

I’m baaaaa-aack! I’m not sure if it’s the promise of a new school year or the kick in the pants from one of my besties or the two bottles of wine an old friend, her husband and I consumed last night at our house at dinner (Stephen and the kids did not partake), but I think I’ve jumped the wall hurdle.

This weekend we were able to unload two old bookcases on CraigsList.


Not a great picture, but these are two Billy bookcases from Ikea that we bought forever ago. (I know it’s small, but I can’t retake the picture.) We don’t need them any more, because let’s just say books are the subject of an upcoming post. The two rooms in which we had the bookcases before now feel positively enormous without the extra furniture.

And, in the meantime, I discovered a cool new App for CraigsList – buying and selling. It’s called CPro (short, I assume, for CraigsListPro). It’s FREE.


I haven’t used it yet, but it seems pretty easy to navigate and I will be using it to list some items this week. I’m all about finding ways to make my life easier and, well, more simple. *Rim Shot*

Have you discovered any Apps that are helpful in simplifying, finding new homes for your stuff, or anything similar? If so, please share in the comments!

One Response to Bookcases and a Cool App

  1. We’re having a blitz at the moment, I go through stages when I can rehome and declutter on a fairly regular basis but then I get this need to do a wholesale clutter clear out session – I don’t use any apps as I haven’t really got my head around them but I use ‘tidy zones’ as in I mentally chose an area (zone) and work intensely in just that space until I am happy with the amount of I have removed/rehomed/cleared away.

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