Catching Up in Small Steps

I was out of commission much of Tuesday and all day Wednesday, and am feeling mostly better minus an annoying cough. Because I fell behind with my freelance work, I haven’t had a chance to keep up with my three-a-day donation/toss plan. Officially, I’m 18 items behind, but today as I tried to catch up on straightening the house I tossed a few things into a box. In general, the house suffered during my cold, and I could tell it was happening but didn’t feel well enough to care. That’s what Sunday is for.
But I did do my Friday routine, and thought of one other thing to add to it, which I’ve now forgotten.

Since I switched purses and wallets and reorganized today, maybe it had something to do with that, but I don’t think so. I thought I had more small cosmetic bags, but when I looked I could only find one, so I guess I gave the rest of them away. One was enough so I don’t really miss them. I had EIGHT pens, then just realized that when I reorganized, that I have none.

A weekly straightening of my desk is one of my Friday routine items. This was my desk this afternoon:


And now:

Finally, I dusted. I didn’t do a perfect job, but because I have catch-up cleaning to do, I’m not too bothered. There was also less dust than I’d anticipated.

I need a new small-ish bin for daily recycling of junk mail and school papers. I was reusing a box from a prior warehouse store run, because it was the ideal size even if it wasn’t Pinterest-worthy. But because it’s cardboard, Pixie decided to try eating it, pulled out bunches of paper, and made it her bed.


Remind me again why we bought her a bed.

And that’s all I have for my catch-up Friday.

3 Responses to Catching Up in Small Steps

  1. Pixie made me smile so much! Adorable!
    I know what you mean about the house falling apart when you are not well but I’m sure you will have it back together faster than before when you had all the extra clutter to contend with.

  2. Pingback: November Progress Report | The Simple Year

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