Current and Future Projects


We (OK, I) have a bad habit of throwing stuff into laundry baskets, of which we have at least six. Today, while I sorted and put away clothes, I wondered if we (I) would find it easier to have fewer laundry baskets because then there would be fewer places for all the random stuff that defies categorization. I’m still trying to get laundry under control, so I made it part of my routine every night, and this is also part of why I want to see if I can get rid of more clothes.

I wish I’d taken a photo before I started today, because the bedroom looks a lot more open now. I’d planned to spend the month but even with a week off for vacation I think I’ll be done sooner.And of course there are plenty of projects waiting in the wings!

I spray painted the wall shelves and re-organized my knick-knacks (of which I still have enough, despite my ongoing effort to get rid of them.)

styledshelf styledshelf2


The other day I was skimming some blogs and came across the term “aspirational clutter” which I’d heard of, but it didn’t really register with me. I’ve seen the term before and since I had so much general clutter I didn’t give it a lot of thought. Aspirational clutter is stuff you buy for the person you want to be, like art supplies or cookbooks. This is a great post  from a blog at least one reader recommended to me. My bedroom is home to my jewelry making supplies, which I haven’t done in ages, and my makeup, which I don’t wear so much of. But at the moment it’s so humid that I see no point in using it at all. I know there are other things in this house which fit into this category so decluttering these items will be a future project.

I’ve been watching Tiny House Hunters, which is really fun! I don’t know if I could ever live like that but it’s interesting to hear a couple people talking about paring down and being happier.

Since I’m going to be away next week, I’d like to feature some reader stories and photos while I’m away. If you’d like to participate, please email me at tjdunnederrell at gmail dot com. I’d like a couple photos and a little summary of what you did and I am happy to link to blogs. Thanks!

2 Responses to Current and Future Projects

  1. I know that feeling about laundry baskets. We have a lot too. And yet sometimes I am struggling to find one to use!!

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