Four For Friday

This was a good day and good week. Even though I didn’t have any big sustained blocks to work on my project, I was able to accomplish some important tasks:

  • I organized two kitchen cabinets and decluttered the countertop. When we re-did the kitchen two years ago, we nearly doubled our counter space. More than having additional room to prepare meals, I was most excited about having counter space to display things. But I realized that I preferred open spaces and tried to minimize the things I had out. Somehow this happened:
Cereal Box Central

It’s like something out of Seinfeld.

And I hated it. So today I reorganized the food, tossed a couple boxes of pasta which each contained about three pieces of ancient ziti, and made enough room for the cereal. Now it looks like this, and I am happy though I plan to relocate the jars which contain tea and chocolate:


Much improved.

  • I’m using visuals. After reorganizing the bookshelves, I realized I needed to do something to remind me to find an alternative to piling stuff on flat surfaces. This seemed like an effective possibility:

    Someday this will apply to the whole house, but for now I’ll settle for a shelf.

    I admit it’s pretty juvenile, but I think seeing a reminder will help us get into the habit of finding alternatives to letting random things pile up all over the place. So far I’ve posted them on the bookshelves and the section of kitchen counter I decluttered today.

  • I set a container deadline. More than one reader commented on the likelihood of my empty containers getting filled with stuff I don’t need. And it’s something I thought of too. It’s a definite possibility. So I’m going to give myself two weeks, and then whatever I’m not using will be donated. I’m going to make a homework basket for Emma, with things like tape and a ruler and pencil sharpener, stuff we find ourselves hunting for.
  • I had a proud mom moment today. Showing Emma how to be organized, and involving her whenever appropriate has been an important part of my project. In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo pointed out that people don’t tidy because they never learned how, which resonated with me. And as I go through this project, I’m trying to involve Emma whenever appropriate. For a young child, she seems to have a natural inclination to organize and be tidy, which I never had. I think she looks at what I do and does the opposite! Earlier I was in her room and noticed this:

    She has an evening routine too.

    I really appreciate that she did this because when school ended in June I was just working two mornings a week, and about six weeks in Bob ended his school year so we both did our morning things independent of each other. But now I work every day, and Bob will be back to work too so we’re going to need her to be a little more independent in the morning, though she’d been choosing her outfits and even fixing her own lunch and breakfast before I went back to work. So I think we’ll have a smooth transition, but I still felt impressed to see her skills at work.

We’re down to three more summer weekends, and I’m looking forward to having some time to relax with a good book. Have a great weekend!

4 Responses to Four For Friday

  1. I think you are very wise to set a container deadline. We need to set up systems to help us succeed, not encourage failure :). And seeing your daughter’s note should have made you very proud! Very impressive for a young lady to do all on her own! A casual friend loaned me that same book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo. And you know what, I started looking at things with fresh eyes, and have been finding way more things to get rid of! Our daughter and I went through every one of her books the other morning and she put in our newest donate pile, every book that she either didn’t like the story line of the book, or it was now too juvenile. And guess what? A full 50% of her books are now gone. And now, her book collection involves only about six books, plus a Little House On The Prairie boxed set of 9 books, which I’m reading to her each evening, after her Bible story. Our house is thinning, and so is yours, whoo! hoo!

  2. I’m thinking of putting a huge banner over the roof of my house saying that this is “not a clutter zone.” But it wouldn’t look pretty so thinking of the smaller version of notes like you have!!! Great idea. I’m the one that feels bad as I’m the biggest clutter person in our house. But going through things has told me that and telling me to keep pressing on! Thanks for the update! We’ve got 1 1/2 weeks before school begins as well and it’s busy here.

  3. I think I told you before, and I will recommend again, but setting out her piles of clothes for the day so all she has to do is grab a pile works well for us, you can also use hangers, we set out everything from underwear to socks

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