The Greatest Gift of All….Time


“The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness, and industry.”
– Billy Graham

It’s the season!  The season of  over indulgence.  Excessive food, excessive drink, excessive fun.  I am guilty.  I partied like a rock star this weekend and I am feeling the effects.  I’m tired, and cranky, a just a bit toxic.  Ugh  – there is truth in the old saying about too much of a good thing. 🙂

I also believe the concept applies to Christmas and gifts.  I am personally focused on doing  a “less is more” holiday this year. Since I’m a year round shopper I have a gift closet where I stash my “goodies”.  I took everything out last night and tallied it up.  I thought there would be a lot – but surprisingly, there really wasn’t.  While I love a “steal” and can’t resist a bargain, I actually cannot stand a lot of “stuff.”  It makes me crazy. One – because it’s just straight up waste – does my daughter really need 8 different types of Barbie dolls and 12 accessories for each?  I think not.   Two – because it’s distracting – she has so many choices that she actually plays with none of it – it just becomes overwhelming clutter.

So, my gift tally for baby girl came to 8 items – 3 of them American Girl doll outfits – which I decided was excessive.  I’m going to get rid of two sets and only give her one – that brings it down to 6 gifts.  New sneakers, a fleece top, new pjs, a board game, a Dollie and Me ballerina outfit, an American girl outfit (which I’m coupling with the ballet outfit) and a watch (which she requested).  My little guy has 5 items – a new warm up suit for swim team, a gold panning kit (don’t ask – the kid is obsessed with gold mining.  He built his own sluice in the backyard) a fun Smithsonian kit where he can break rocks and find crystals, new sneaks and a flight lesson.  Yes – my son  who has been obsessed with planes since he was a toddler  will get a chance to fly.  I am beyond the moon excited to give him this opportunity – I know it’s an experience that he’ll remember and treasure for the rest of his life.

We are also doing a family gift and taking a trip to the mountains.  We’ll spend 3 days at the YMCA camp in Estes Park  to celebrate the season. I’m super excited to have this time with my family and be able to get away from it all for a few days.  I’m hoping this starts a new tradition for us – one focused less on material things and more on experiences where we can spend active time together as a family.  This camp is SO COOL too – they have all sorts of fun stuff including a roller rink, an indoor swimming pool, archery, craft room and an endless stream of games and activities.  Our long weekend is already filling up with family fun and I’m so ready!!!

Overall, my goal is to put forward an experience that brings my family together.  I want them to associate holidays not with materialism – but with giving of oneself.  An opportunity to unplug, step away and be together – simply and quietly.  This has been the greatest side effect of my Kind Year journey.  Continually seeking kindness has enabled me to slow down and really appreciate the good in life.  In turn, I can then share those feelings and experiences with my family and bring them together in kindness and love.  They have watched, and participated, in many of the things I’ve done in the name of kindness.  And they amaze me with their ability to spread love, care and generosity to those they meet.  In a season focused on what you need and want, I’m so thankful to be able to say I already have it all.




4 Responses to The Greatest Gift of All….Time

  1. This has got to be one of my favorite pieces you have written. And it reminded me of why we only allowed a few select toys for our son, because he would fret and become agitated if there were to many choice from which to choose..

    And I remember ten years ago when my husband died and I decided Christmas would be extra special, so I shopped a lot. It was one day that between the UPS and mail person I had 20 packages in my living room, unopened and depression not happiness over came me. I literally say down and cried.

    And then I vowed to never repeat the mistake. Sent many of the items back, and only kept the few I knew our son and his young family would need and use.

  2. Thank you! Yes – it’s amazing how little “retail therapy” really does in the long run. I know buying a lot of things has totally made me happy in the moment – then a day or two later regret creeps in as the real issues that had me shopping away my cares come back. I truly hope this year marks a turning point for my family. 🙂

  3. Great post and very timely, I was just about to panic tonight thinking how little I have got for my 4 children this year compared to other years but I read your list and thought, if I buy nothing else what I have got will be ok. They will have less than other years and not a lot of expensive junk but I have been slowly cutting down over the last few years and feel so much happier after reading your post. It will all be ok! Many thanks.

    • Thanks. I started this last year – I had bought the kids all sorts of gifts (son wanted a computer, a new tent) and then the night before the computer broke (it was an old one we were refurbishing) and the tent showed up missing a pole. I was devastated – totally cried thinking his Christmas was ruined. Guess what? He didn’t even care. He got other gifts and was happy with what he received. Made me realize we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to deliver the “perfect” holiday but kids are just happy to get and spend time with everyone. 🙂

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