Goodbye Hoodie

Day 238

I was once watching the Dalai Lama speak in a giant auditorium.  I don’t remember the specifics because it was about a thousand degrees in there and I had just eaten.  So, my physical need to take a nap was overtaking my potential path to enlightenment.  But, I do remember him talking a bit about possessions and warning of the dangers of too much attachment to things. Although Buddhism doesn’t advocate deprivation, it does teach that the greatest wealth is contentment.  (I’m probably oversimplifying; feel free to set me straight in the comment section)

Although I’m not Buddhist, His Holiness does have a point.  I would like to think, the Simple Year is moving me down the path to fewer material cravings.

But then I lost my favorite navy blue hoodie.  And all my enlightenment dimmed, because I am MAD about it.

This emotion is quickly followed by more anger, directed at myself for my absurd attachment to that soft-perfect fitting-stylish-garment.  I am stabbing at these keys just thinking about it.  I left it in the aerobics room on a Tuesday and by the time I remembered it on Wednesday, it was gone.  It might be gone forever, even after repeatedly pestering the front desk staff to check lost and found one-more-time.

I will also admit to standing outside the door to the gym suspiciously eyeballing everyone’s couture as they enter. This is the point I chastise myself because after all—it’s just a jacket, stop stalking all these innocent people.  Plus, I’m not sure what I would do if I actually saw someone wearing it, perform a citizen’s arrest? I am sure the Dalai Lama would not approve.

But, it matched the pants…

Stop it, Kerry, you’re starting to sound like Gollum…my pretty…or a Kardashian, also pretty. So as you have probably gathered, even after eight months, I’m having a bit of an inner struggle.

Letting go is harder some days than others.



10 Responses to Goodbye Hoodie

  1. Simplifying your life does not mean losing favorite items of clothing you already have and being okay with it. I too would be mad (at myself, at the thief, and just in general…)I like to think you are perfect, but in reality…you are just human. Hummmmmm….

  2. Kerry’s co-workers can confirm she is definitely mad about the hoodie incident. 🙂 I hope she doesn’t spot someone at that gym wearing it…..

  3. Living more simply means you keep the things you truly love, so it’s perfectly alright to be upset when you lose your favorite item to wear, or eat from, or whatever. I was really sad when my favorite shirt got worn out. I have a set of juice glasses that I love dearly and I wash, dry, and put them away very carefully because I would be honestly devastated to break one. Simple living means you are materialistic in the good way, by taking care of your possessions because of the value they hold for you. I’m sorry for your hoodie loss!

  4. Wow, just this morning I decided to part with a blue jean purse my Grandmother had made for me in the 70’s, very vintage now. I brought it in for a co-worker who expressed an interest in it for her daughter-in-law. It has been stored many of those years, due to the fact it was not a big roomy bag and probably had been used only a handful of times. I just couldn’t let go of it because Grandma gave it to me. So this morning I took a picture of it so I could cherish that memory of her. So in my case it was the memory that I was afraid of losing. I hope you find your hoodie!

  5. As I was reading your post, I thought of my recently deceased bowl. Yes, a bowl….but I LOVED it and my adorable daughter accidentally knocked it to the ground and it shattered. To quote my husband, (because he knew how much I loved that bowl) tragedy has struck the household. I know how you feel as I’m trying to channel my inner Dalai Lama myself over that one. 🙂

  6. Wearing my own favorite navy blue hoodie RIGHT NOW, I seriously just gave it a hug.

    Nothing new to add, just wanted to express my condolences. 🙂

  7. Delightfully I found your blog today.more than once I was reduced to tears of mirth you are so my brand of humor …. If it were my soft perfect hoodie and discovered an evil theiving less -stylish -than -me citizen wearing it..there would be sarcasm followed by swearing and unladylike behavior .retrieval of fav garment is a must .there are unwritten laws on such matters…

  8. Eight months is nothing, my son wore a Levi jacket to soccer practice (1st mistake) and it was STOLEN. It wasn’t just any jacket but one of the really old ones found at a thrift store. I don’t think I want to tell you how many years ago that was.

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