Internet, Nightstand and Book Winner

I cannot live without internet. I. Just. Can’t.

Thursday we kept getting kicked off of our wireless, so I assumed our ancient router was breathing its very last breath. We headed to the AT&T store to get a new one. Got home, plugged it all in, and nothing.

Except this blaring red light:


No service. So I called technical support and learned it wasn’t going to work for another 24 hours. To say I was displeased would be an understatement of monumental proportions. Even after it was back up (the servers were being maintained and there wasn’t a darn thing I could do about it), I had to reconfigure every single device in this house, as well as have a lovely 45 minute conversation with AT&T about why my email address had been disabled. Just shoot me.

During my day of no internet, I worked on my nightstand.


I’m not super happy with the nightstand itself. It was inherited from my parents, which is better than what I had before, but this one is too narrow and not really my style. But it works. So for now it stays.

Most of what was on top went to the recycle bin. Some went to the bottom section behind the closed doors. Books, mostly. Which I need to go through another time. The drawer had a bunch of receipts I’d shoved in there, which also found their way to the recycle bin.

But, this looks better:


I also need to get all of the wires and stuff sorted out. Any tips on how to deal with that? There’s a power strip behind there, which is ugly, albeit functional. I’m accepting suggestions for how to address that problem.

The Book Contest Winner

So, I put everyone’s name on a piece of paper and asked the Girl to get a bowl from which to draw. She chose a tissue box. Alrighty then.


And the winner is:



Congrats Ponygal8! I’ll contact you to make arrangements for getting the book to you.

9 Responses to Internet, Nightstand and Book Winner

  1. I love the before and after pics also, they are so inspiring. I am enjoying your blog so much and always look forward to your posts. Often when I am in the middle of something and feeling discouraged I think of you with your awful back pain and your journey and use it as a reality check, “I’m healthy and well, get going with the decluttering!” so thanks again for the inspiration!

  2. our router broke several months ago, we had about a week with no internet. After a day of withdrawal, I started reading books more, cleaning the house more, and generally crossing items of my to-do list. It was a good reminder that maybe I rely on the internet a little too much! Good work on your nightstand!

  3. There is something going on with the internet everywhere it seems. Last week I had trouble and couldn’t get on for more than a few seconds at a time. I got a new modem, but still no improvement. It took 4 days before the problem was fixed on the line.

    I like your nightstand, minus the painting. :-). If you want more space on the top, you could replace the top with a larger piece of wood, with the extra on the back to still have free access to the cabinet, and then paint it a color you like. Once you declutter your home you may find you don’t want a bigger stand.

  4. Nothing like a good decluttering to make things more serene. I made a cover for my modem and posted pics just for you. I think something similar might work for you. Zip ties are my friends. Been stalking your blog for about a month, following your eventful story. Am enjoying and learning, so thanks.

  5. Your nightstand makeover looks awesome! Have you thought about putting the modem on the floor just behind the nightstand? Love love love reading about the progress you are making with the house. So sorry about the continued back trouble. 🙁

    But I AM excited to win the book! I never win ANYTHING! Yippee thank you!

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