One Donation and One Acquisition


The Girl is growing. So, these shorts are headed somewhere else. And, if anyone out there could use two pair of size 7 shorts from Justice, leave me a message in the comments. I’ll draw a winner and send the shorts to you.


And, I know we’re supposed to be getting rid of things, but….


She was found in a drainage pipe with her three brothers, so we adopted her from a local rescue group. The kids named her Izzy. When we brought her home last Wednesday, she weighed less than 13 ounces. She’s up to a little over 1.1 pounds as of today. She’s five weeks old, which means I’m waking up in the middle of the night to feed her. But, OMG. Look at that face!

Have an amazing week!


15 Responses to One Donation and One Acquisition

  1. Oh, what’s another 13 ounces? You can always find room in your heart and home for a face like that. Simplifying other areas of your life means you make room for more satisfying ventures.

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