Our Downsized Christmas Tree

We are a family that uses fake Christmas trees. Because Stephen is allergic to the real ones. Many years ago we chose a pre-lit 8 foot tree and it served us well. Until it didn’t.

Last year only half the lights worked on the tree, so we ended up with something decidedly lopsided in the brightness category. No big thang. We dealt with it, then got rid of the tree. I honestly don’t remember how, but it likely involved bulk trash pick up on our curb. Just being honest.

Tree 3

In the spirit of downsizing, this year we replaced the 8 foot pre-lit tree with a 4 1/2 foot pre-lit tree. It’s super cute, in my humble opinion. But since it’s just about half the size of our other tree, we definitely didn’t need all the ornaments we have. I even found several boxes of unopened boxes of brand new ornaments! And I remember when I bought them. Over 5 years ago. Sheesh!

I put out the word on Facebook for places that might be interested in extra ornaments and decorations. Someone I know replied that he and his wife had lost all of their Christmas decorations in some sort of house flood, so I told him they were welcome to ours. Any that they cannot use, they will donate to the charity of our choosing.

Sounds good to me!

This past weekend Stephen, the kids and I went through our ornaments and decorations and purged. The decorations will be the subject of another post, but for now, here are the ornaments we are giving away:


And in that bag are the boxes of unopened, unused ornaments.  And they are scheduled to leave my house tomorrow.

We kept the decorations that really meant something to us. Like the ones the kids have made. Or ones that we really love. And now we have a totes adorbs tree on our dining room table. Where no little dogs can chew it up.

And that took 2.2 seconds to assemble and decorate. How awesomesauce is that?

7 Responses to Our Downsized Christmas Tree

  1. I too have been downsizing and de-cluttering. We moved from a farmhouse with a barn in the country back to one of the unit’s in a multi-family we own in the city- about half the size at around 1300sf. I thought I had done a great job of getting rid of things until we moved- I still have a lot of work to do! Anyhow, in the process I have also found a few new things I have purchased over the years and never used- isn’t that the worst! Thanks for your honesty in finding the brand new ornaments, I think most of us can relate! Also great job on finding them a home!

  2. We have cut back on our decorations as well. I have two sweet little table top trees, a nativity, and one or two other small table decorations. I love it this way! You might like our blog post “Simplify the Holidays Your Way” – ideas for food, parties, decorations, gifts – and how to do it your way.

  3. I feel like I really blew it. I really wanted to try a Frazier tree, so when groupon had a deal, $55 plus shipping , I jumped on it. After numerous delays it arrived and what a disappointment. It’s way smaller, not fragrant and well. I’m disappointed. I already have numerous artificial trees as I written about in my blog. I feel guilty I wasted money, and it’s not all that great. So, lesson learned for me, no more real trees. It always ends up a disaster. Last year, the one from Home Depot died completely and I had to take it down a week before Christmas. Hence I bought another fake one. Ugh… I guess I’ll get thru it but I sure do feel my minimalism went down the drain.

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