I can’t believe I’ve been working on my project for six months already. My feelings about my project are similar to my feelings about many aspects of my life: I don’t know where the time is going! That’s not necessarily a negative. But I did envision myself being farther along by now, which I think I’ve been saying all along. And I think I’m losing track of time, despite my documentation of my work, because I think month six passed two months ago? This is why I never taught math.
So here we go.
Objective 1: To create a home which contains only things we need and love.
What I accomplished:I never thought of unfinished projects as clutter, but I was kidding myself. There were a few things sitting in the garage, and I told myself I’d either finish them or donate them. So I finished a few things I’ve been putting off. On Friday I loaded some boxes into my car.
I also did a lot of work in the garden. Because I was a lazy gardener, our tools and supplies had been all over the place. Since I’ve been doing a little work daily, I’ve been keeping everything easily accessible, but when I pack away the tools for the season, I’ll make sure to do so neatly. A few months ago Bob tore down our shed because it was falling apart, so I need to make a new space in the garage for garden tools.
I cleaned out and reorganized my closet. Next to the work I did in my garden, I’m most pleased with the closet. Though the other day I took a tote bag off the purse shelf, and three bags fell on my head. So that needs work which may or may not include more donating!
Grade: B-
Comment: The playroom was this month’s designated space, and I got very little done. My few attempts completely overwhelmed me. I did get rid of a good amount of stuff, along with a few more bags of books. But I am clearly not done! This is an in-progress photo.
Objective 2: To implement routines and habits to help us manage our time, our house and our health.
What I accomplished: This time last year, I was walking nearly every day after I put Emma on the bus. Now I go to work, and I really miss my walks. So last night I set my alarm for 6 a.m, set out sweats and my earbuds and borrowed a good audio book from the library. But when I woke it, it was really dark and even though I live in a safe area, I wasn’t too into the idea of walking in the dark. So I didn’t add this routine back, but I’ve been doing well with my morning and evening chores.
Grade: Incomplete
Comment: This is important, so I’m going to continue to try getting exercise back into my routine.
Objective 3: To improve the quality of family mealtimes through better planning and organization.
What I accomplished: At the end of August, I spent an entire morning writing a menu plan for the month. With a couple of exceptions, I stuck to it. My main goal was to minimize the number of dinners out, which we did.
Grade: A-
Comment: I feel pretty happy with how the month went in this area. I didn’t adhere 100% to the menu. There were a few nights where I cooked something different, but since we didn’t resort to going out, it’s a win. On the nights I didn’t want to make what was on the menu, I felt a lot less stressed. Just knowing something was planned made it easier for me to think of a Plan B. Planning has always been the main stumbling point, but doing the whole month at once made a huge difference. I am trying to keep the momentum going this month.
Objective 4: To utilize free time more mindfully, individually and as a family.
What I accomplished: September is a tough month for free time, since we had to get back into the school routine, with dance and scouts beginning too. But I didn’t feel too stressed, even though the back to school transition was a little rough for Emma since she moved to a new school building and didn’t have any close friends in her class.
Grade: B-
Comment: I’m going to make more of an effort this month to spend quality time with my family. October is my most favorite month in my favorite season.
Watching the leaves turn never gets old for me, and I feel so lucky to live in an area with so much natural beauty. I definitely want to get some hikes in, and we’re going to pick pumpkins and hopefully apples. Emma and I have tickets to the Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze, which we’ve never been to, but we’ve heard it’s amazing. And I just want to enjoy everything this month has to offer. This guy inspires me, minus the butternut squash soup which I don’t really like, and he’s good for a laugh.
Today I was interviewed by Laura and Mark at EnjoyLifeSlowly.com, I’ll share when it’s live!