Zero waste DIY: Coffee facial scrub

If there’s one thing I have in abundance in this house, it’s used coffee grounds. I’ve been looking into their different uses, and it turns out you can do all kinds of stuff – they’re great in the garden, can be used to deodorize the refrigerator a la baking soda and even double as a scouring agent for pots and pans.

But I had something a little different in mind for a bit of Mother’s Day pampering: A facial scrub.

Simple is better (well, we’ve already established I’m lazy), so here’s the “recipe” I settled on:

Coffee facial scrub

½ teaspoon coconut oil

½ teaspoon used coffee grounds

Mix together and apply to face, avoiding eyes, nose and mouth. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. Can be used 2-3 times a week “for glowing skin,” or so they say. (SOURCE)

What you need...

What you need…

... It really didn't look like it was going to be much ...

It really didn’t look like it was going to be much.

Looks disgusting, smells great.

Looks disgusting, smells great.

I have never felt so beautiful.

I have never felt so beautiful.

If you try this, make sure you apply the scrub over a sink – it is so super messy. I spent five of my 15 minutes just trying to clean up after myself. At least it smelled good.

And I guess I could feel it working. My skin felt sort of tingly. My face was also really soft afterwards, although I’m pretty sure that’s just because of the coconut oil. I don’t know if I’ll feel compelled to try it again, though – I mean, I’m not ruling it out, but it’s not very practical, what with the 15 minute wait time and the extraordinary mess.

But it was kind of fun. And now I get to cross something off my to-try list, which is always a plus.

P.S. Earlier this month, I got the brilliant idea of storing used grounds in a capped jar to use later, but found all that happened was they just molded. Gross. So fresh grounds is the way to go for this scrub.

Next up: Trash talk. Literally.