The Couch: It’s Not Just for Sitting

A couple weeks ago Emma said, “Isn’t it interesting that the child’s bedroom is the neatest one in the house?” I was too amused by the way she referred to herself as ‘the child’ especially since she frequently insists that she’s a ‘small adult.’ So I didn’t point out that her room is neat because she takes excess things out of her room and dumps them into the hallway and our bedroom. She’s currently experimenting with what I’m calling a more minimal bedding palette, which means her duvet and quilt are in my bedroom instead of hers. Her room tends to be a little chilly which is why she has both, but temperatures have been slowly rising so she pulled them off her bed a few days ago. Her bed’s down to a throw-sized blanket, numerous stuffed animals and a pillow.

From now on I’m assuming that stuff she takes out of her room is stuff she doesn’t want any more, and will deal with it accordingly. I bring this up because I was all set to start pulling stuff out of the attic when I realized I first needed to contend with the baskets of clutter that have been piling up in the hallway and my bedroom. A lot of it belongs to her.


Exhibit A: Why Bob Can’t Find a Laundry Basket

I’ve been piling everything on the couch. It’s easier because I don’t have to bend as much. This makes me sound elderly, but I’m just lazy. Also, this is my prime reading and tea-drinking spot, so I’m motivated to get rid of this crap so I can sit down.

But at the moment my project and I are in the doldrums- my mom went back in the hospital yesterday and I drove down to see her today. I feel like I’m getting sick now too. When I got home today I had a little time before the bus but I didn’t want to do anything. The stress of worry took a definite toll on me so I decompressed by playing QuizUp.


Why I Got Nothing Done in 2015

So this stuff will sit here until the weekend. I even found an empty box last week when picking Emma up from her friend’s house. It’s in good shape but one of the sides needs to be taped up, and I naturally can’t find my packing tape. We have a whole lot of nothing planned for this weekend- no birthday parties, no play dates, no obligations and so my only goal is to chip away at as much of this as possible.

4 Responses to The Couch: It’s Not Just for Sitting

  1. You can do it! You have a good plan of action! My daughter tends to stuff things she really doesn’t want in the back corners of her closet and under her bed, so the hallway is better, in my opinion – at least you can see it and deal with it accordingly, as you said:). I had to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with my daughter about her stuffing habits earlier this week, but we did end up filling two trash bags and three donation bags, so we both feel a lot better now!

  2. It’s definitely hard to be motivated when you’re worried and stressed. Be easy on yourself. You’ll get back on track soon enough.

    (Says the woman whose daughters just introduced her to Flow. I will probably never get anything done ever again. Those pipes aren’t going to connect themselves…)

  3. Pingback: Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail, Blah Blah Blah | The Simple Year

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