The List

Day 163

I keep a list with the title “Things I Would Like”.  I used to call the list “Things I Need”, but at some point I realized all of the things on the list weren’t really necessities.  I suppose the end result is the same, but it made me feel better, like I had evolved in some fashion. So I’m just going to go with it.

OK, really this is a “mock up” of the actual list which is illegible and appears as if I’m writing some type of disturbing manifesto.

Some of the items have been on the list since I started the Simple Year project and I consider ongoing, like canning jars and art supplies.  Still other things are added and then quickly fulfilled like ice cube trays and music books.   I’ve had numerous occasions where I have crossed things off after some time.  For instance, I eventually decided I really didn’t need OR want any patio furniture or a Weed Eater.

A week or so ago, I was in my closet putting laundry away and I realized many of the wire hangers were bent beyond recognition  and probably needed to be retired to the easy life of marshmallow roasting or car theft.    So, I went to my list and added, plastic hangars.

Then that night I had one of those sleepless worry filled nights.  You know the nights when the most insignificant item gets blown up to gigantic proportions?   Yes, that’s right; I began to lose sleep over PLASTIC HANGARS.  Maybe that is my subconscious way to avoid worrying about things that are actually important. And I can’t even remember the specifics of my overtired obsession.

But the good thing that did come of it when I woke was the realization that I don’t need all of those clothes.  I don’t wear them.  I’ve been talking about culling the wardrobe for some time.  Now was the time for action.

So, I got very serious and made three piles, items to donate, items to consign now, and items to consign in the spring.  I was very stern with myself and had discussions like this:

Me: We don’t wear this

Other Me: But we might, the next time we are at a nightclub in Vegas.

Me: Did we ever go to a night club in Vegas?

Other Me: Yes, remember our bachelorette party?

Me: That was eleven years ago.

Other Me: OK Fine

Me: How about this one?

Other Me: It is so cute, and we did just wear it to the theater.

Me: Yes, but in all the pictures from that night our arms look like bratwurst.

Other Me: It’s gone.

Seriously, I did struggle over some items, but I ended up with three  kitchen garbage bags full of clothes.  I still seem to have plenty as well as a sudden surplus of plastic hangars.

8 Responses to The List

  1. Sad thing is, if you haven’t got them already, those Reading Glasses on your list will quickly go from optional to MUST HAVE NOW…as I am sporting my new bifocals 😀

  2. OMG, you crack me up. Good move on the clothes. I just did the same thing not long ago. My closet can breathe now. I still need to go back for Round Two before I declare a TKO.

  3. After having bought seemingly hundreds of plastic hangers for my closet, I purged the clothes and now have so many leftover hangers I had to donate them to my local thrift shop . . . sigh. I’m now trying for a better balance between the clothes and the hangers!

  4. Ah, but your posts are awesome. Marshmallow roasting or car theft… that’s genius. Thanks for the laugh!

    And isn’t it a great feeling to know that you don’t really have to buy something you thought you needed? With the benefit of a nice clean closet to boot.

  5. plastic hangers. grrrr I kept running out then my daughter moved out and left ALL of the hangers she had been using PLUS the empty ones that were hanging out in her room. Now I can say I have too many.

    I’m going to go through my clothes once my shoulders are better. If I simply went by “can I easily get this on?” I’d have maybe four shirts and half would have stains.

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