Toasted, Dance Mom Edition

Today I should be packing Emma’s dance shoes and tights into her dance bag, and finding an out-of-the-way place for it, along with the two costumes she wore this weekend. I should also be looking for a good place to leave my Girl Scout bag and books for the summer because we had our last meeting Thursday and I don’t need or want to look at it for the next two months.

But I’m pretty worn out today. We were hardly home this weekend, between 2 recitals, a bar mitzvah and a visit from my mom, who came up for yesterday’s performance. We didn’t get home last night until 8 o’clock. Bob had to drag Emma out of bed at 7:45, which is really late for her. Super-busy weekends like that are great but also exhausting, so I’m glad they’re not a regular event. Tonight I have a dinner for scout leaders and tomorrow morning I’m volunteering at Emma’s second grade celebration.


Emma and I went out for a nice breakfast yesterday morning, and then I did some ‘crisis cleaning’ while Bob went to pick up my mom. I’m re-thinking my position on putting stuff in bags and boxes just so they’re out of the way. It’s nice to look around and see neatness.


The only thing I got rid of this weekend was a lamp, which I loved and only got rid of because the cat decided to knock it off the table. It was not close to the edge so she had to give it a good push. I guess she is still pissed about the dog.

I will have a real post on Wednesday!

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