We’re Alive And Pumped!

Goooooooooood Morning Simple Year! (Say it in your head like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam!)

I’m jazzed this morning. Pumped up. Excited.

Wanna know why?

Me, too!

Maybe it’s the new paint in the bedrooms. Or the fact that the sunroom is starting to have, you know, EMPTY SPACE. Or maybe it’s because I’ve got more energy since we started simplifying our diets. I DON’T KNOW. AND I DON’T CARE. I’M JUST GONNA SOAK IT UP!

This weekend the charger to my laptop died. As in, broke into bits. We had tried using duct tape to make it last longer and cover up the exposed wires, which worked for a few weeks. But the inevitable happened Friday. Thank goodness I didn’t have any work projects due. And we lived with no computer for the whole day. It was beautiful.

Later that afternoon, on our way to go see a movie as part of Spring Break Staycation 2014, we went to BestBuy to get a new charger. And you know what I found there?

Behold the gloriousness of the most badass electronics recycle bin:

Holy Goodness I Actually Turned The Phone The Right Direction For the Picture!

Holy Goodness I Actually Turned The Phone The Right Direction For the Picture!

And I was like:


So I dropped the old, broken, used and abused laptop charger in the proper bin and walked inside to get a new one. And, I’m filing this little nugget of info away for when I’m able to get to the box of electronic whatnot I know is in the sunroom. I’m gonna be standing there for HOURS shoving those things in the right spot. But I DON’T CARE. I FOUND THEM A HOME!

And, the kids are back in school so I’ll be able to GET STUFF DONE! Whoop! Whoop!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

4 Responses to We’re Alive And Pumped!

  1. OMG this is so exciting to me!!!!! We’re moving out of state and I’m really needing to get rid of crap. But the guilt! the environmental guilt that is associated with just putting stuff in the garbage! It’s debilitating. This helps a lot.

  2. I’m confused. Doesn’t your city have a municipal recyling center/city yards type thing? Every city I’ve lived in in Wisconsin has had one. Ours accepts:
    Computers, Laptops, Servers, Monitors
    Keyboards, Mice, Hard Drives, etc
    Printers, Copiers, Scanners, Fax Machines
    Cellular Phones, Portable Devices
    Telephones, Cables, Accessories
    Televisions, Stereos, Game Systems
    DVD/VCR/DVR Players
    VHS, CDs, DVDs, Computer Games

    Bonus to me is this is the same place where we take yard waste for composting, used motor oil for recycling, batteries, old magazines and cardboard boxes, old paint and household chemicals. It’s awesome! No running around town; just one recycling center.

    • Oh, I don’t know! But thanks for bringing it up because now I know to research it. 🙂 Love ~ A Recycling Noob

      • If your community has one, you’ll be in recycling heaven! I have relatives in rural Indiana and they have pretty much nothing for central recycling, so I’m sure this type of thing varies by area.

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