Hello, My Name Is

Day 14

This is Kelsey all ready for  Taekwondo class.





I actually didn’t even need to tell you her name, because on the first day of school her instructor wrote her name in SHARPIE on her uniform.

I just stood  there dumbfounded when her instructor leaned over her brand new uniform, without even asking me, and inscribed her name.  But, when I looked around, EVERYONE had their name written in permanent marker on their chest– even the adults.  I suppose this is in case someone gets a closed head injury and isn’t able to TELL the instructor their name.

The appellation insures that all of those uniforms have only one life.  Unless, of course, after you grow out of your uniform you can find someone who just happens to be taking classes at that particular Taekwondo school, who is your former size and has your exact name.  So, I suppose it is POSSIBLE we can find another Kelsey, but I have a feeling her friend Parthana might not have the same luck.

I had about 45 minutes to stew over this while I waited.

It is not good for me to have free time.

So, I approached the gentleman who appeared in charge (who is probably in his late 60’s and English is his second language).  Here is a recap:

Me: (smiling politely) “You know, you write the names of all the students on their uniforms.  When you do that, no one else can ever use it again when they grow out of it or are no longer in class here.”

Him: blank stare

Me: (faster talking now) ”So, now those uniforms are just going to probably end up in landfills instead of being handed down. If you didn’t put the names on them other kids could use them.”

Him:  (sudden realization)” Oh, uniform included in price”

Me: “Uhm, no I didn’t mean that, I meant it would be better if they could be used over again.”

Him: “I give new one if grow too big.”

Me: “Uhm, well no, I mean it’s…OK, thanks”

There are those that get it, and those that don’t.

As a side note, this uniform predates the beginning of The Simple Year.  If she grows out of this one, I guess we’ll have to start calling her Ian or Michelle since those are her classmates that seem to be the next size up.

6 Responses to Hello, My Name Is

  1. Such little tiny fists ready for action…I know that the heart behind those fists is going to challenge Mr. No Understand reuse. Good Luck, Master Dense.

  2. I know I’m late to the party on commenting, but I totally get it! When Jason went to preschool, his teacher wrote in sharpie on the back of his tennies his name!!! I couldn’t believe it. I got such a blank stare when I mentioned that I didn’t want any stranger in the mall knowing my kid’s name as he walked around. She then suggested I get him another pair of shoes to wear outside of school. Um, really? He’s 3! He’s going to grow out of THIS pair before they’re worn out! Sheesh…

  3. I know I’m really late on this, but in my sons class they wrote their names on their belts. Makes more sense since those are kept by the students.

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