Crazy Bag Lady

DAY 17

Yesterday morning, I left the house with 12 different packed bags for our various activities throughout the day.

This is not an exaggeration. There was a bag for my laptop, one for my dry cleaning, the snacks I needed to take to the kid’s school, a tote for my kids swim gear and my gym duffel.  Then, there was my lunch and my purse both of which I put inside a larger tote creating a strange bag-within-a-bag situation.  And let’s not forget my kid’s two backpacks and lunches.  All of these bags were painstakingly packed by me.*


The day was going fine; I was a well-oiled working mother machine.  I had planned ahead. Last stop of the day was the gym where Wednesday nights are a win-win.  The kids get to go swimming with the child care group. And, I get two hours of uninterrupted, guilt free work out time.  It’s everybody’s favorite night of the week.

I’ll cut to the chase.  I forgot my socks.   So I stood there in the locker room, muttering to myself, weighing my options, out loud, like, dare I say it, a crazy bag lady.

It was a long day, and I was really tired.  That is my only explanation for what happened next.

My weapon of choice

I know she was just trying to be helpful, but the woman next to me suddenly pipes up, “You know they sell socks at the front desk.”  At that moment I wanted to hit her with my shoe.  And I don’t mean that metaphorically.  I mean, I actually had to call upon my impulse control, not to turn that bright yellow sneaker into a weapon.

So, instead I just snapped, “Isn’t that America’s reaction to every problem?  Throw money at it, buy more things.”

OK, can we say “overreaction?”  That poor woman, all I needed was a tinfoil hat to complete the package. Not surprisingly, she moved away from me.

So I went to yoga to work on my inner peace, and besides–they don’t need shoes and socks.



*I know that the kids should probably pack their own backpacks. But, if unchecked, rather than homework and a permission slip, my kindergartner would likely show up with a tutu and a phone book. 


12 Responses to Crazy Bag Lady

  1. Good for you, sticking to your plan. That’s a hard thing to turn down; an uninterrupted two hour workout. Your move to Colorado was worth it just for that gym. Yoga was a good barefoot alternative, but there’s something awesome about a sweat-inducing, muscle-screaming gym session. Next week remember socks! (Perhaps put a 13th bag in your car full of emergency clothes for all of you?)

  2. Next time ask “miss helpful” for her socks even if they are greasy dirty! No! especially if they are greasy dirty.

  3. I find it so very interesting all of the things you keep running into that force you to continuously commit to “the simpler life”. It’s amazing how many times we as Americans just buy the new socks without even thinking about it. Good for you sticking to your plan! I love the dedication!!

  4. Since I regularly run to K-Mart on my lunch hour to buy whatever item I have forgotten and need for my workouts after work…I have decided that I’m not a good role model for not buying anything new for a year… but, I do see that you have picked up my bag lady tendencies. ps…If you threw your yellow shoe at me, I would have thrown my own shoe (but not my socks) back at you.

  5. Well bag lady is better than dumpster diver. I’ve dug through lost and found for a hair clip for spin class. Go girl!

  6. The sock thing hits me hard. I have learned to keep an extra pair of socks, hairbands and bobby pins in my bag at all times. 🙂

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