Plugging Along


And in one of the drawers, I kept my emergency stash of personal care things:


But now I work from home for a few hours a day and don’t have an office downtown. I have no need for the extra stash of stuff. So, I went through everything and threw out what was expired. Or just downright old and nasty looking. I was left with this:


Which I put away in the bathroom. Except the thumb drive.

I think I’ve got enough lip balm. It should last me a good five years. Speaking of lip balm, how many is a reasonable amount? Pretty sure I’ve got a lip balm problem on my hands. Because the ones in the picture above aren’t including all the other ones in my bathroom.

12 Responses to Plugging Along

  1. hahaha! What a deja’ vu experience reading this post! It seems every time I clean out a purse due to getting a new one, this same thing happens. OR when I think I have one where I need it, someone else has commandeered it. SO, I guess we can consider ourselves lucky that we have the foresight to have enough lip balms on hand for those times that we *put one through the laundry – and who wants to use one after that? *lose one somewhere while we are out *we have enough to keep one stashed anywhere in the house or car that we might need one *we are fortunate enough to be able to buy enough of these and USE them, as they are WAY cheaper and trusty in ‘color’ than color lipstick, esp from a well-known company in the dept stores (so we are also lucky we don’t feel the need to buy these!). I guess Frances, above, is with us in this many-of-one foray, and she can now keep a brush in the car, in her purse, in her half-bath on the main floor, in her travel bag, as well as in her regular bathroom ~ and maybe this list will give her an idea for the extra two. LOVED this post, Kandice, and hope you are well on the road to recovery from being sick now.

  2. Funny post! I had a similar box from my desk for far too long on my floor. I think one maybe two extra lip balms is plenty- I’d get rid if the old contact solution & containers too. Nice job with pushing through the hard times.

  3. It seems like you just won’t need to buy anymore for a while. I, too, have a lip balm problem. But once I organized it and kept them all in one place its been slowly dwindling as I use each one up. Actually, its been dwindling faster than expected.

    Good job on the box!

  4. I just cleaned out my office office box on Thursday as I prep my home office. Definitely different priorities. Glad to say I didn’t have any lip balm.

  5. When you’re feeling really crafty, you can melt down some of the lip balms, add in a little bit of lipstick, maybe an essential oil and put it in a pot (or an old contact case) — now you have a tinted lip balm for free.

  6. Lip balm hoarder – check! In my defense we travel a lot and they come in the airline comfort bags, but we have so many little tubes of moisturizer I now refuse the bags and pack my own supplies.

    At least I won’t have to buy any lip balm for the next few years, and keep spares in the car, handbag etc.

  7. I have a lip balm collection like this: 1 by the bed (the one that lost it’s lid), 1 by the sofa, 3 in the handbag – one that’s just lip balm, two that are tinted and my version of lip stick. When I started on ‘decluttering’ I ruled NO MORE lip balms. When the bedside lip balm last it’s cracked lip, I vowed to continue to use it til used up – and it’s FINALLY (2 years of nightly applications) getting close to being ‘used up’. Yay for my commitment – and a place for everything and everything in it’s place!

    • Good for you!!! I keep finding more and more lip balms as I move around the house and clearing out the buckets. It’s ridiculous.

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