A Collection

Just a quick post today since we’ve just returned from a quick trip to East Texas to visit family for winter break. The Girl went into the sunroom to look for thumb drives. Last summer we saved some photos somewhere and my mom needs them. We have no idea where they are. Sooo, I sent The Girl in for a quick look. Perhaps with a monetary incentive for any found drives.

The Girl: Mommy, I didn’t find any thumb drives.

Me: Really? Not a single one?

The Girl: No, but I found a key collection.



4 Responses to A Collection

  1. And the keys had been missing for some time I take it? Did you find the photos? Photos keep me awake at night, I have 7 years worth on sd cards and I don’t even have the cards in one place. I am thinking the best thing would be to buy a hard drive and store them all on that…I used to be so good at getting my films processed and in albums and then digital cameras happened and that was the end for me!

    • Actually, turns out they were Stephen’s keys. And he knew from the picture what key went where. I can’t imagine he still needs them, but they are his keys, so you know.

  2. Well when you do find those thumb drives, talk to one of your good friends *ahem* about helping you upload all of your photos to a site called Phanfare to which she will email you a referral link. It has a nominal annual fee and stores your photos in full resolution. You can share your photos and albums (or not) with family and friends or simply use it as a backup. Alas, it is simple, clutter-free, efficient and when your hard drive eventually gets dropped (which it will) or your thumb drives expire (yes, they do) or the computer crashes and needs a new… well you get the point.

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