
Day 203

Do you know on those news magazine shows , like 60 Minutes,  when they give you updates to previous stories?  And, you have no idea what they are talking about because you didn’t see the original piece, but you are still glad to know those co-joined twins are leading a rich and productive life after their surgery and the crazy wife killer’s parole was denied?

No?  Well work with me on this.

When I first started this blog, I would often wait to write about an event until I had some sort of resolution.  Now, I am not so dedicated. I leave lots of things unfinished.  Similar to my personal email account in which I will often open an email and then get summoned by a very typical MOM shriek and then days later realize I never actually responded to that timely and important mass email about participation in the trip to the pumpkin patch.

Anyway, I thought a couple of updates were in order today, none of which are probably worth an individual entry.   If you missed the post, the title links to it, in case you are interested.


Early on I mentioned our dog is an ingrate and given the opportunity will dash out of the house like an escapee from Rikers.  At that time, I mentioned I ordered a used shock collar for him.  Well, the universe has a funny way with things and the order got screwed up and it never arrived. But, in past few months I think his wild ways have been decreasing.  However, recently he matriculated to Lucky Dog School for Wayward Pets and is excited to begin his higher education next week. (really, it’s just called Lucky Dog, but poetic license and all…)



A little on edge, I nearly pummeled a well-meaning woman in the gym with my sneaker.  It all stemmed from forgotten socks.  Do I sound a little unstable?  I solved the problem by renting a gym locker that now looks like, well, a crazy bag lady lives in it.  But, I always have socks…



After agonizing over having to buy a new retainer, we visited our friendly neighborhood orthodontist this week who DIDN’T CHARGE us for the replacement.  Not because of The Simple Year, but because that is their policy.  Everyone gets a one-time freebie.  La la la la la la la la la la….

Can you put a GPS on those things?



I mentioned I had a plan to let the girls carve pie pumpkins and then I would bake them.  Here is the result.

I can’t decide whether to caption this, “I’m melting” or mention they look a little like Wilson from that Tom Hanks movie.

Edible decor



I should mention that I don’t think I have ever made a pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin (as opposed to the can) and I will say that it was worth every bit of the effort.  It was really so much better.

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