Clowns Go Rogue

Day 19

As you can imagine, I have been spending more time at thrift stores and garage sales lately.  I have always liked them, but now I seem to have a bit more at stake.   It seems like my job.  Although, I know that is sort of defeating the purpose,  and a mental health professional might say I was substituting one shopping  fix for another. You will have to work with me on this one. Consider it part of my twelve-step program.

In the interest of being informative, I would like to pass along some thrift store trends.  Utilizing highly scientific data collection methodology (meaning, I counted, when I remembered), I have determined the most donated/cast aside items in America are:

  • Florist’s glass vases
  • Any stemware with an event or corporate logo etched on the side
  • Random cell phone chargers
  • “Going Rogue” by Sara Palin

Since this is not a political blog, I will let you draw your own conclusions.  I am merely reporting the facts.  Well, not the facts, exactly…it is more like, fact based opinion, like Wikipedia.

But there does seem to be a proliferation of scary clowns on the second hand market and I do have proof.

Like this one:

And then there’s:

And let’s not forget:

Oddly, all of these photos were taken within a week or two of each other at three separate stores.  It’s not like I have been saving these pics over  the years for just the right moment.  For some reason I keep visualizing the opening montage to some B movie,

unnoticed, under the cover of cluttered shelves, clowns are quietly amassing themselves in thrift stores all over the country.  When the time is right, they will march under the command of their leader, Sarah Palin, to TAKE OVER THE WORLD–or just Alaska, and maybe the part of Russia they can see.

6 Responses to Clowns Go Rogue

  1. Hmmm, I was just contemplating on what to do with my mom’s very large clown collection. I see others have had the same problem? Should I seperate them so it will take them longer to amass?

  2. If there were any clowns in our house, I would be taking them to Goodwill as well. Scary things that nightmares and horror films are made of!

  3. Good luck in Alaska, clowns. People up there have guns, including shot guns, and they are not afraid to use them. Even a scary clown is no match for a lethal spray of metal.

  4. The funniest post I found last night I had to get my husband to read! I will keep a lookout for clowns when I head to the Goodwill 🙂

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